Merging of Courses (Moodle)

Merging of Courses (Moodle)

In the delivery of a course there are situations where there are multiple courses that a lecturer may want to teach together as one class. The idea is placing students from multiple classes/courses into one class. The options for this are as follows:


  1. Merging/Moving a course’s students from one course in Campus A into another course in Campus B. This scenario can be as granular as a course group that the student(s) is a part of. Merging to the level of course group often results in a merge that is not persistent but rather only occurs when the merge operation is actioned. When a merge is done as per the course level then that merge is persistent.

    1. Persistent means that students who join the course at a later date in the semester ultimately are moved to the destination campus and course automatically.

  2. Merging/Moving a course’s students from one course to another within the same campus. This scenario again can be as granular as the course group that the student(s) is a part of. The same caveat of point 1 is true of this point. Persistence is affect when the the merge is made at the course group level of granularity.

How do I request a merge?

Requesting a merge is simple. Send an email to the SSETA Helpdesk at helpdesk.sseta@uog.edu.gy with the following details.

  • The course code of the source course (the course that the students need to be moved from).

  • The course group of the source course to be merged.

  • The course code of the destination course (the course that the students need to be moved to).

  • The course group of the destination course to be merged into.

  • Carbon copy (CC) the head of department (HOD). This only applies if you are a lecturer for the course and not the HOD.


Additional Details

  • These requests are usually made by the HOD.

  • If you are making a request it is advised that you check with your HOD first as they may have made the request before or be privy to details that can influence whether a merge should be done or not.

  • As an HOD making this request, kindly check with the lecturer of the course before merging as their preference for or against a merge usually influences whether a merge is needed an even done.


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