


 In making your submission by use of the HRMIS, the following could be helpful:


Link: Employee Information => Teaching Allocation.


This link is available to following categories of staff:



Type of Access

Head / Director of Department

for the particular Department

Download / Upload / Submit (Turkeyen)

Download / Approve (Berbice, where applicable).

Dean / Director of Faculty

For the particular Faculty.

Download / Approve

Assistant Dean

For the particular Faculty.


UGBC Coordinator

For the departments related to all UGBC Divisions.

Download / Upload / Submit

UGBC Director

For the departments related to all UGBC Divisions.


Personnel Officer

All Departments / Divisions.


In addition to the above, all the lecturers have access to download and view their department’s TA.

Steps in use of Teaching Assignment Feature:

Step 1:    Go to Employee Information

Step 2:     Locate the Teaching Allocation version entry corresponding to the Campus, Department and academic year.

E.g. the following entry corresponds to teaching allocation version for Turkeyen Campus, Department of Curriculum and Instruction, academic year 2015 / 2016: 

For Berbice campus, the coordinators will see the individual entries corresponding to every Department that the Division deals with.

E.g. the following entry corresponds to teaching allocation version for Berbice Campus, Department of Mathematics, Physics and Statistics part of Division of Natural Sciences’ teaching allocation, academic year 2015 / 2016:           

Step 3      Click on Allocations link. The page that loads has three parts:

Part 1: View Uploads: list of any uploaded Teaching Allocation excel sheets, reflecting the date of upload, employee ID who did the upload, link to the uploaded file, file size. 

Part 2: Download Teaching Allocation Data.

Part 3: Upload Teaching Allocation. NOTE: This part is only available to HODs in Turkeyen campus and Coordinators in Berbice campus.

Step 4   Download the excel sheet using the Download link under "Download Teaching Allocation Data". This downloads the excel sheet in "Course form"/ "Form A" format, containing the previously uploaded data, if any, or blank excel sheet

Step 5:    NOTE: This part is only applicable to HODs in Turkeyen campus and Coordinators in Berbice Campus:

5.1 Enter the information of the Department teaching allocation for each course on the excel sheet downloaded.

5.2 Save the excel sheet and close.

5.3 Go to “Upload Teaching Allocation” and click “Browse” or “Choose”, select file and click “upload” to upload your teaching allocation.

Step 6: At any point in time, you can view the Teaching Allocation Summary of the department based on your latest Teaching Allocation uploaded into the HRMIS (click on Excel link under TAS column). You can also view the Lecturer form (Form B) view of the Teaching Allocation based on your latest Teaching Allocation uploaded into the HRMIS (click on Excel link under Lect column).

Step 7: Once you have reviewed the Teaching Allocation / Summary, you can do one of the following:

7.1 As a HOD in Turkeyen Campus or Coordinator in Berbice Campus, you can (a) either make corrections / modifications in the Teaching Allocation by repeating steps 4 and 5 above, or (b) Submit the Teaching allocation for approval. Once submitted for approval, you will not be able to do further uploads / corrections, unless it is returned to you by the approving authority (Dean in case of Turkeyen campus, or HOD/Dean in case Berbice campus). When the Teaching Allocation is approved by Dean, it can be returned to HOD / Coordinator for further corrections / uploads by Personnel Division.

7.2 The other roles involved in Approval can either (a) return the Teaching allocation for making corrections to HOD (Turkeyen) / Coordinator (Berbice) or (b) Approve the Teaching Allocation.

Important Instructions on editing the Teaching Allocation excel sheet:                                                         

  1. DO NOT alter the structure of rows and columns in this Excel sheet. You may only insert rows between Row 19 and 44 to accommodate more lecturers.

  2. Colour Convention used:

    1. Gray cells - Titles / Headings, Blue cells - Automatically calculated values.

    2. Green cells - Data to be entered by the staff planning the Teaching Assignments.

    3. Yellow cells - Instructions to be closely followed.

  3. The APPROVED SCHEDULED HOURS need to be reflected accurately for the ratio / load / FTE related calculation to work properly. Details are provided in this document below on f the hours are not set accurately,

  4. Please modify the contents of ONLY green cells.

  5. Please ensure there is only one entry made for an employee or To be named - 1 / New Full-Time Staff - 2 / New Part-Time Staff - 3 (etc.) in this course/sheet.

  6. In the case of the “group” column, you may place multiple lecturers in one group. The column is intended to control the group within the course that the lecturer is assigned to. Students have the opportunity to enrol in these groups during registration and HOD’s as well as lecturers have the opportunity to place students into these groups.

  7. The “group” column has been changed as of 2023/2024 Teaching Allocation. The column is named “Moodle Group” when using the 2022/2023 and prior academic year teaching allocations whilst the column is named “Course Group” when using the 2023/2024 teaching allocation going forward. This column is to be used if you would like to assign a lecturer to a “Moodle” or “Course” Group dependent upon the allocation year.

  8. Please understand that for 2023/2024 and later, groups created on Moodle are dependent upon the settings in the configuration of the course group in SRMS. On the other hand, for 2022/2023 and prior, you can set the Moodle Group directly within the Teaching Allocation excel upload.

  9. You should keep in mind that Moodle Group refers to a separate class (course instance) that is created on Moodle with the addition of a “Group <NUM>” text that appears at the end of the course’s name (<NUM> is replaced with an actual number).

  10. Please note that each course within your department is presented as a work sheet in this Excel document. Please browse through every sheet and fill up the information about the corresponding course, before you upload.

Additional Instructions applicable from Academic Year 2015/2016:

Additional ten each placeholder employee IDs have been added in the categories of To be named, New full-time and New part-time categories. These are as shown in the table below:


To be named – 10

To be named – 11

To be named – 12

To be named – 13

To be named – 14

To be named – 15

To be named – 16

To be named – 17

To be named – 18

To be named – 19



New Full-Time – 20

New Full-Time – 21

New Full-Time – 22

New Full-Time – 23

New Full-Time – 24

New Full-Time – 25

New Full-Time – 26

New Full-Time – 27

New Full-Time – 28

New Full-Time – 29


New Part-time – 30

New Part-time – 31

New Part-time – 32

New Part-time – 33

New Part-time – 34

New Part-time – 35

New Part-time – 36

New Part-time – 37

New Part-time – 38

New Part-time – 39


The idea is to unambiguously identify the different To be named / New full-time / New part-time staff members denoted in the teaching allocations. For example, suppose you have two new full-time staff, let’s say, Mr A (to teach courses C1 and C2) and Ms B (to teach courses C3 and C4). You should denote this in the TA something like:

New Full-Time – 20 : Courses C1 and C2

New Full-Time – 21 : Courses C3 and C4

When you have these staff members’ names and employee IDs available in HRMIS, you can simply replace New Full-Time – 20 with Mr A and New Full-Time – 21 with Mrs B, using “Complete TA” link. This is the purpose of the newly added “Complete TA” link: to be able to replace the placeholder employee IDs with the real staff members without having to go through TA / download TA / upload TA / approve TA cycle.

In order for the Coordinators / HODs / Deans / Directors to cross-verify and rightly “balance” their teaching allocation, some new reports have been made available under the “Reports” link. Some of these reports and their specific usage is as mentioned below:


Report Name



Course Fractions Report

Lecturer Mapping (TA) Report

Course Mapping (TA) Report

Fraction allocated for each course should be 1. This report shows the approved contact hours along with the allocated hours – with lecturers / components split-up.

Incomplete TA Report

Shows the allocations that are assigned to a “placeholder” employee ID.

Teaching Load Report

Shows the overall teaching load (i.e., assignments in other TAs: across campus, faculties, departments) of a staff member who is part of your teaching allocation.

Registration / Lecturer Assignment Report

Helps compare the courses allocated in the teaching allocation with the courses registered for by students by consulting SRMS. This report can be utilized to detect and remove any case of:

Courses registered for by students but no lecturer allocated in TA.

Courses allocated in TA but not registered for by any student.


The courses listed in teaching allocation download excel sheet are based on the courses registered for by the students in the previous academic year’s registration data in SRMS.

If you need to include a course that is not listed in the download, please make use of Add Course link (detailed in this document below).

Further Notes:

  1. The Approval sequence is as follows:

    1. Turkeyen Campus: Submitted by HOD, Approved by Dean.

    2. Berbice Campus: Submitted by Coordinator, Approved by HOD and Dean of Turkeyen campus.

  2. The Class size (S15) is derived from the Online Registrations information (SRMS).

  3. Approved group sizes (F12 and I12) are derived from FTE module of SRMS, based on the standard group size set for the faculties / departments.

    1. Number of Tutorial groups (F13) is calculated as rounded value of Class size (S15) divided by Approved tutorial size (F12).

    2. Number of Lab / Demo groups (I13) is calculated as rounded value of Class size (S15) divided by Approved tutorial size (I12).

  4. You are required to fill up only the cells marked in green colour, which are:

    1. Column A: Moodle/Course Group selection (only use if necessary).

    2. Column B: lecturer selection.

    3. Column C/D: Amount of Lecture hours / Number of groups, respectively, handled by the lecturer.

    4. Column F/G: Amount of Tutorial hours / Number of groups, respectively, handled by the lecturer.

    5. Column I/J: Amount of Lab / Demo hours / Number of groups, respectively, handled by the lecturer.

    6. Column L/M: Amount of Under-graduate student research project supervision hours / Number of students, respectively, handled by the lecturer.

    7. Column O/P: Amount of Graduate student thesis research supervision hours / Number of students, respectively, handled by the lecturer.

    8. Column R/S: Amount of Field trips hours / Number of students, respectively, handled by lecturer.

    9. Column U/V: Amount of Scheduled School visits hours / Number of students, respectively, handled by the lecturer.

    10. Column X: Number of weeks the lecturer handles the tasks b-h above.

The total contact hours for the lecturer for the given course is calculated as:

= (C x D + F x G + I x J + L x M + O x P + R x S + U x V) x X

Lecturer / Course mapping

HODs can also use the Lecturer / Course mapping interface to quickly assign lecturers to courses / course groups.

Please be advised that the interface for Lecturer/Course Mapping has the functionality to assign lecturers to courses across the University. Kindly note that this ability is subject to change without notice.

This link is highlighted in the sample screenshot below:

  1. In HRMIS, go to the Teaching Allocations link

  2. Please follow the Lecturer / Course Mapping link corresponding to <academic year of interest> / <your Campus> / <your department>

  3. Scroll down to the bottom of the page and click the 'Add' button

  4. In the resulting screen, select the course code from the listing, select the lecturer from the drop-down menu, enter a number for weeks (e.g., 13), and if necessary, select a Moodle/Course group for the lecturer to be assigned to then click submit.

  5. When this is done, an entry is added into the Teaching allocation for the course / lecturer / weeks specified. However, the hours / groups etc. details for each component is not set up through this interface.

  6. The course will then become accessible to the lecturer in Moodle and the Marksheet upload interface in SRMS immediately.


Add Course link

Teaching allocation is initialized with the courses registered by students in SRMS in the previous academic year. However, there can be situations where new programme / courses are offered, or an existing course is going to be offered after a gap of year(s), and these courses are not listed in the excel sheet.

Add course link can be availed to add the required courses to the Teaching Allocation as explained below:

This link is highlighted in the sample screenshot below:

  1. In HRMIS, go to the Teaching Allocations link

  2. Please follow the Add Course link corresponding to <academic year of interest> / <your Campus> / <your department>

  3. The resulting screen shows list of courses from your department that are not present in the Teaching Allocation. Enter an estimated number of students against each course that you want to add to the TA and submit.

  4. When this is done, the course(s) are added into the Teaching allocation, as can be seen in the TA excel sheet downloaded now on.

  5. NOTE: if you are in the middle of doing data entry in your TA excel sheet, you can save and upload the TA excel and then do the download. The newly downloaded file will have all your updates as well as the newly added courses.


Approved Scheduled Hours not set

If approved scheduled hours for a course in your department is not set, it will show the value of 0 for all course components in the row titled APPROVED SCHEDULED HOURS in your teaching allocation excel sheet. This will result in error in calculation of contact hours and fraction. This will also affect the calculation of FTE in SRMS.

If you are encountering this situation, you will need to fill in the course hours information in the following excel sheet:

and email the sheet to sseta-software@uog.edu.gy so that the hours are correctly set up in SRMS and HRMIS.


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