How to set up Course Groups on SRMS

How to set up Course Groups on SRMS

Course Groups Feature

This feature will facilitate multiple marksheets being created, which is especially useful in cases of courses which have multiple student groups or cohorts. Common examples of this are ENG1105 which must be split into many groups due to size of course and MNG1101 which is split into separate cohorts across multiple semesters.

Lecturers for courses with groupings will therefore be able to collaborate, creating and uploading a marksheet only for their batch of students.

It can also be used for courses that require a partial rollout of grades, as each batch is assigned a separate group.


Guidelines for using this feature are as follows:

  1. IN SRMS, Under the ‘Current Students’ tab, click the ‘Course Groups’ Link and proceed to ‘Upload Course Group’.

  2. Enter course details

    1. Ensure that the year selected is the one that you would like to create Course Groups for.

    2. Type in the Course Code and click ‘Download Class List



On the second worksheet in the downloaded Excel file, you will be able to see all students with submitted registration for the course and their respective group.
You can access the second worksheet by clicking the number of students on the first worksheet.

The following steps are to be applied if the course selected has SRMS course groups entries for the selected year

  1. To place a student into a particular group, simply select a group from the dropdown list in the group type column for that particular student.

    1. If you are a Lecturer, you can proceed to set your students into your own group, or the other groups of behalf of your colleagues.

    2. If you are a HOD / Coordinator, you can proceed to set all the students into their appropriate group.If you are a Lecturer, you can proceed to set your students into your own group, or the other groups of behalf of your colleagues.

    3. If you are a HOD / Coordinator, you can proceed to set all the students into their appropriate group.

  2. Once this is done, save the Excel document and go back to the Upload Course Group page referred to in Step 1 to complete the upload process.

    1. Repeat Step 2 by entering the course details but instead you should click ‘Choose file’ and select the Excel document with groups that was saved.

    2. Click ‘Submit Course Grouping’ once the file has been selected.

    3. Wait for a prompt confirming that the upload is successful.

    4. Some Error messages could appear like the following:

    5. In cases where registration limit has reached, The SRMS course groups feature should be used to increase group enroll limit to cater for those students.

    6. In cases where student cannot register for the group due to programme restriction: Their programme would need to be added to the list of allowed programme or removed from the list of restricted programmes. Please see the following document for details on how to perform theses actions: https://ug-sseta.atlassian.net/l/cp/SamPX1ip

  3. Upon successful upload, the students will be enrolled in each of the selected group for each group type (unless error message specifies otherwise). If the SRMS course groups has a Moodle Group ID inputted the students will be placed in the appropriate Moodle groups based on group they have been enrolled in.
    E.g. all students in SRMS course group “Group 1” for ENG1105 will be in the Moodle group associated with that SRMS course group (if a Moodle group was inputted into that group).




The following steps are to be applied if the course selected does NOT have any SRMS course groups entries for the selected year:

  1. To place a student into a particular group, simply select a group from the dropdown list in the group column for that particular student.

    1. If you are a Lecturer, you can proceed to set your students into your own group, or the other groups of behalf of your colleagues.

    2. If you are a HOD / Coordinator, you can proceed to set all the students into their appropriate group.

  2. Once Step 4 is done, save the Excel document and go back to the Upload Course Group page referred to in Step 1 to complete the upload process.

    1. Repeat Step 2 by entering the course details but instead you should click ‘Choose file’ and select the Excel document with groups that was saved.

    2. Click ‘Submit Course Grouping’ once the file has been selected.

    3. Wait for a prompt confirming that the upload is successful.

  3. Upon successful upload, the course will now be considered a grouped course, and you will be able to specify Group Number upon the creation of a marksheet.
    The students will also be placed into a separate course for their group on Moodle.
    E.g. all students in Group 0 will be in the default ENG1105 Moodle course while all students in Group 1 will be suspended from the default course and placed into a course called
    “ENG1105 … - Group 1”

    If you do not yet have access to this course group in Moodle, you will need to write to your HOD and request that it be assigned to you in the HRMIS.

  4. The marksheet process is exactly the same as before, however, upon clicking the ‘Create Marksheet’ button you will need to select the Group you have been assigned and wish to upload a marksheet for.
    NB: Only Normal and I-grade marksheets can be done by Group.

To differentiate between the different groups in the marksheet interface, the format of the course name will be <course>-G<group-number>.

For example, Group 1 for ENG1105 will be ENG1105-G1.
A marksheet with no group will be labelled ENG1105.



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