Using EBSCO's LTI Tool with Moodle

How to Use the EBSCO LTI Tool in Moodle

The following is a walkthrough of using the EBSCO LTI Tool in Moodle.

Use the EBSCO LTI tool to search, access and link to your library’s resources directly from within Moodle, so you can add those resources to your course curriculum.

  1. Start by selecting the Turn editing on button.

  2. Click on + Add an activity or resource.

  3. Select the activity (tool) called ‘EBSCO’.

  4. You will see a page that says Adding a new External tool.

  5. Click the Select content button below the Activity name field. You do not need to provide the activity name at this time.

  6. You should see a new frame display that loads EBSCO Discovery Service or EBSCOhost. This is the same EBSCO product you would see if searching directly from your library’s website.

  7. Add a search term and click the Search button.

  8. If you like to use limiters or facets to refine your search results, click the double arrows on the left to expand the column.

  9. You can select an individual item to see the detailed record as well as open the PDF or linked text for that record if you’d like to read the item.

  10. When you find the resource you would like to add to your course, click the + Add button.

  11. That will return you to the Adding a new External tool page.

  12. By default, the title of the item appears in the Activity name field.

  13. If you click the Show more… link below the Activity name, you will see that the item’s abstract is automatically included. If you would like to annotate that section, you can do so. Whatever you include in that Activity description box will be included with the link on the reading list page.

  14. You do not need to change any of the other settings on this page.

  15. Click on Save and return to course to be returned to the course reading list.

Once you are done editing your reading list, you can click the Turn editing off button.