

University of Guyana

Frequently Asked Questions for Lecturers / UA-Academic staff

In relation to the use of

Students Records Management System (SRMS), Human Resource Management Information System (HRMIS) and Moodle Learning Management System

What is SRMS and how do I access it?

SRMS stands for the Students Records Management System, the online application used by the University of Guyana for managing the student records including Application, Registration, Exams and Grades, Graduation and Transcripts, etc.


SRMS allows lecturers to view their classlists, organize the class into course groups and to upload and submit their marksheets.


The staff can access SRMS at the following URLs:

Turkeyen Campus: https://turkeyenonline.uog.edu.gy/srms/staff/login.php

Berbice Campus: https://tainonline.uog.edu.gy/srms/staff/login.php


My attempts to login to SRMS fail. How do I gain access to it?

You can reset your password using the Forgot Password link right below the login / password boxes. If the problem persists, you can email the Deputy Registrar at depreg@uog.edu.gy or the helpdesk at student-info@uog.edu.gy.


How can I obtain my University of Guyana (uog.edu.gy) institutional Email Address?

You must reach out to the Email admins at email.admin@uog.edu.gy.
This correspondence should also be copied to your Head of Department.


Where can I find the documentation of SRMS Marksheet interface?

After logging in as staff, navigate to Current Students => Courses & Marksheets to access the Marksheet interface. Please see the following page for further guidance on uploading a marksheet:


How to upload a marksheet into SRMS?


I cannot see the course(s) I am teaching

Courses are listed based on what is assigned to you in the department’s Teaching Allocation in HRMIS.

You will need to contact the HOD who will need to assign to you the course in the Teaching Allocation, either by doing download, edit and upload of TA, or by making use of Add Course / Lecturer Mapping features in the relevant academic year.

As soon as that is done, you will be able to see the course reflected in your Courses & Marksheets listing in SRMS.


The course I taught last year is assigned to someone else this year. Will I still able to access?

The courses assignments in different academic years are separately identified, as the Teaching Assignments are different every year. So, there is no room for mix-up as such.


Can I access my previous year's courses and marksheets?

Yes. You will need to select appropriate academic year from the drop-down to access that year’s courses assigned to you.


I've finished uploading my marksheet, but the HOD can't see it.

Once you have completed the marksheet and have uploaded it, you will need to submit it before it can be seen by the next person in approving chain (HOD). See details in guidelines documents (Answer #3 above) on how to submit a marksheet.


I've submitted the marksheet, it is not approved by AR Exams as yet, and I need to make a correction in a student's grade.

Please have your HOD, Dean or the AR Exams return the marksheet to you; then make the required correction and submit it again.


I've submitted the marksheet, it is approved all the way, and I need to make a correction in a student's grade

Once the marksheet has been fully approved (that is, by AR Exams also), it cannot be returned any longer. In such cases, you / HOD will have to contact the AR Exams and Deputy Registrar with the details of the correction required, who can then make use of Grade Corrections interface to make the necessary change.


My marksheet doesn't seem to be using the right grading scheme

Please report this matter immediately to AR Exams and Deputy Registrar. Based on the state of approval of marksheet and type of change required in the grading scheme, the appropriate action will be taken.


A student from my class is not listed in the marksheet excel downloaded from SRMS

The marksheet excel downloaded from SRMS lists the students who are registered for this course and are in “active state” in SRMS.

However, we recognize that there may be some rare cases where a student may be doing a course without realizing the need to register, and the excel sheet provides additional rows with blank green cells for USI, which can be made use of to enter the details of the student who do not appear in the excel sheet.

In essence, the marksheet interface allows uploading the grades for such students, and the system records their grades. Such students however will not be able to see their grades (NRG = Not Registered is shown) until they register for the course.


A course that I teach is shared with another lecturer, and we teach two groups different groups. How do I upload marksheet for my group?

Firstly, make use of Course Groups feature and make sure that all your students are listed in your group, and no other students.

Then you can proceed to create marksheet. When a course has students divided into multiple groups in the system, the Create Marksheet interface shows an option to select the group. Once the marksheet is created with the right group selected, the subsequent operations like download and upload will be limited to that group.



I teach the same course at both the campuses. The two classes were merged in Moodle. How do I upload their marksheets?

The merging of the two classes across campus in Moodle is done so that the lecturer can manage the course content and the assessments in one place.

However, do remember that the students are registered into two different campuses, and their academic profiles belong to two different campuses. Therefore, it is necessary for the lecturer to upload the marksheet separately in the two different campuses.


When I attempt to upload the marksheet, the system gives the error “Marksheet contains USIs that cannot be identified or not in Active state: …”. How do I proceed?

If you have entered the USIs into the blank cells at the bottom of the excel, make sure there is no typographical error. Besides that, as the message indicates, this is happening because some students in the marksheet are no longer actively registered (e.g., withdrawn or in Leave of absence). In such cases, it is safe for the lecturer to disregard this warning and proceed to submit the marksheet, when ready.


The maximum marks in my assessment is X, whereas it only contributes to Y% of the total course assessments

The assessment structure has two different fields for this purpose – Maximum marks (Raw) field and Maximum marks (Scaled). The excel as well as SRMS scales all the student raw scores based on this proportion.

E.g., if you have conducted a quiz for 10 marks, however only 5% of total marks is allocated to this quiz. Then enter Maximum marks (Raw) = 10, Maximum marks (Scaled) = 5. If a student scores 8 out of 10 in the quiz, his scaled mark will be calculated as 5 X (8 / 10) = 4.


I get the error “Please configure at least one assessment in the Assessment Structure” upon attempting to download.

You will need to set up at least one assessment before you can download the marksheet excel sheet.


Do I need to set up all the assessments in Marksheet’s Assessment structure at once?

It is not necessary to set up all the assessments at once. It can be done incrementally.

For example, the assessments can be set up as and when they happen, from the beginning of the semester, and the marks obtained by the students can be entered for those assessments.

However, please note that the marksheet cannot be submitted unless the Assessment structure is complete – i.e., it is configured for the entire 100% marks, and it accords with the course work / exam work as defined in the Create marksheet screen.


All my assessments are done in Moodle. Is it possible to bring the assessment marks to SRMS?

Yes. You can download the gradebook from Moodle, and make use of Moodle format in the SRMS marksheet upload page to upload it. For more details, please see the guidelines documents (Answer #3 above)


How do I get a classlist of my class?

Lecturers have access to classlist report of all courses in their department. The report is accessible at Reports => Class List after logging in to SRMS.


I need to get the email address of student(s) in my class. Whom should I contact?

The classlist report that you have access to contains students’ email addresses.


I teach cross-department or cross-faculty course(s). How do I get the classlist for those courses?

At present the classlist report can be generated only for the courses belonging to the department your Employee ID is associated with. For courses outside of this department, please contact that department’s HOD.


I teach cross-department or cross-faculty course(s). Can I upload their marksheets?

Yes, as long as the course is assigned to you in that department’s Teaching Assignment.


What is the Course Groups feature, and who should use it?

This feature allows splitting a course into multiple groups and manage them separately in SRMS and Moodle.

E.g., students in course PRT1003 can be placed into two groups – Group 1 and Group 2, by making use of the Course Groups feature. Once this is done and uploaded successfully into SRMS, the students registered for PRT1003 in SRMS will be placed into PRT1003G1 and PRT1003G2 in Moodle (after the next sync between SRMS and Moodle. Currently the sync happens every morning between 4:00 and 4:30).

Please note that this feature is to be used when the lecturers and possibly the course content / assessment structure are different for the groups. As such, this feature is different from Moodle’s groups / groupings feature, which helps lecturers divide the class into different work groups for their assignments / assessments.

Course Groups feature can be accessed at Current Students => Course Groups link after logging in to SRMS.


I need to assign a student to a different course group than what is currently assigned. How do I do it?

You will need to download the Course Group excel sheet for that course, change the group assigned the student(s) to the right group, save and upload the excel sheet.


I do not see Course Groups nor Courses & Marksheets link after logging into SRMS

It is likely that you have multiple roles and profiles in SRMS (e.g., HOD / Asst Dean etc. beside Lecturer profile).

If this is the case, make sure you are in Lecturer profile.

To change your profile, go to Manage Account => Change Profile.


What is University of Guyana’s Moodle and how do I access it?

Moodle is the e-learning platform used to facilitate online classrooms at the University.


All communication between lecturer and student can be handled through this platform, common functions include: creating zoom lectures, sharing course content, setting examinations and assignments, making queries via private messages and making announcements.


My attempts to login to Moodle fail. How do I gain access to it?

  1. 'Set up your password' link on the login page.
    On http://moodle.uog.edu.gy/login , click the link quoted above and type in your UOG email if you have one or personal email if you do not. Alternatively you can enter your Employee ID as username and click the search button.


2. Reset via HRMIS in Manage Account > Manage Password

If you have an existing account on Moodle 2021-2022, you will now be able to change Moodle password via the interface displayed below in HRMIS.Students will be provided a similar interface on SRMS when they are given access to courses at the beginning of the academic year (October 25)


Is it possible for me to access the previous year’s Moodle?

Yes, for example, Moodle 2020 can be accessed at the following link: https://moodle.uog.edu.gy/moodle_2020/.

I teach two courses with very similar course content but different course code. Is it possible to merge these two classes into one in Moodle?

Yes, merging of courses is possible and can be done by sending an e-mail to sseta-software@uog.edu.gy


I teach a course in both campuses. Is it possible to merge the two classes into one in Moodle?

This is also possible and can be facilitated through an email to sseta-software@uog.edu.gy


What is HRMIS and how do I access it?

HRMIS – the Human Resources Management Information System is the online application that is used by the University of Guyana for managing all information related to staff at

the University, including but not limited to personal information, contracts, annual staff review, research, leave, NIS, pension and healthcare.


HRMS is also importantly used to communicate teaching allocations to SRMS and Moodle so that lecturers can be correctly assigned to the class they are teaching when creating marksheets and teaching classes respectively. A documentation of HRMIS teaching allocation guidelines can be accessed at TA-Guidelines .





My attempts to login to HRMIS fail. How do I gain access to it?

Upon initial account creation, a temporary password will be communicated to you via email. After logging in for the first time however, you would have been required to change this password to your own.

If your attempts to login are failing, you can use the ‘forgot password’ link at the bottom of the page to send an email to the email address attached to your account containing instructions to reset your password.

If you continue to have difficulties or did not receive an email, you can reach out sseta-software@uog.edu.gy with your Employee ID and details on the issue.


I am trying to fill up my ESL / Sabbatical leave request in HRMIS. However, it keeps timing out before I can complete it and submit it.

Due to security reasons, we log out the users after a time period of inactivity (currently 45 minutes).

If the form / screen you need to work on is expected to take more than this amount of time, please enter the information into a Word document, rather than directly into HRMIS. Once you are ready with your content, login to HRMIS and copy-paste the information from the Word document to HRMIS.

This is the recommended way until we have a better solution in place.


I have a technical issue that is not answered or resolved from the information provided above. Whom should I contact?

UG Staff encountering technical difficulty with SRMS can contact SSETA (Software Services and Educational Technology) unit of TOS (Tactical Online Services) at sseta-software@uog.edu.gy

Do remember to:

  • Please clearly state your / student’s official name

  • Provide information like employee ID, USI, academic year / department being referred to

  • Clearly describe the problem faced

  • Include any screenshots of screen / error message that you are having difficulty with

  • Copy the email to your HOD

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