Access to HRMIS & SRMS

Access to HRMIS & SRMS

In order to gain access to the University’s portals namely HRMIS and SRMS, you are required to have two things within each portal. You are required to have:


  1. A user account.

  2. A collection of privileges called a “Profile”.


After the above are setup in our system you are able to login and perform various actions according to what is permitted by the Profile(s) you were assigned. These Profile(s) are assigned to staff with an end date and time. This in effect gives you the privilege to perform certain actions until you have come to the end of your tenure at UG or until you have come to the end of your tenure in a specific role. When your end date and time has reached for all profiles the system will not allow you to access the portal given that you do not have the “Rights” to perform any action in the system. You are also not allowed to access the system if your employment status has become “inactive” through any means of termination that is available to yourself (the employee) or the organization.

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