To reset your Email password, go to and begin the login process by typing in your Gmail email address
When you get to the password stage, click Forgot Password.
A code will be sent in an email to the address you set as a recovery email address. If you are not sure what your recovery email address is, by default It is the address you submitted to the University during the hiring process. (To set up your recovery email address and/or phone number please click here)
When you receive the email, take note of the 6-digit code
Return to the Gmail login page and enter the code you received
Now click Update Password
Create a new password for your UG Email account (A strong password should have a combination of uppercase and lowercase letters, numbers, and symbols )
Type the same new password into both text boxes
When you’re done, click save password
Your Gmail password will then be reset, and you can continue to check your Gmail inbox and use your account for other Google services
Link to help guide: Google Guide to Reset Password