This document outlines common issues encountered with SRMS marksheets and provides steps for resolving them.
Lecturers can may encounter an error indicating that the column headers for in the marksheet file is are missing a specific column or they do not match with the assessment structures createdstructure. In cases such as this case, the recommended action solution is to re-download the Marksheet marksheet and transfer any grades already inputted entered in the previous marksheetfile. This will ensure that ensures you have the latest version of the marksheet, given that reflecting any changes were made to its configuration.
The If the lecturer is getting receives an input error in the marksheet excel file: “Please (e.g., “Please enter a decimal value value between -”. OR the formula in the excel sheet is not ) or if formulas in the Excel file aren't working as expected: This , this issue has only been noticed in observed primarily on Apple/Mac devices. The suggested action solution is to adjust edit the marksheet excel file on a Windows device , or upload the marksheet file it to Google Sheets and make the adjustments therefor adjustment.
The lecturer would have uploaded If a lecturer uploads a flawed marksheet that has not hasn’t been submitted to the HOD and wishes to upload the corrected marksheet. It a corrected version, it is not required for you necessary to remove the flawed marksheet from the system, and the flawed marksheet being present in the system does not hinder you from uploading the corrected marksheet. The system will automatically prioritize and overwrite the previous marksheet with the most recent upload.
When uploading any marksheet, the most recent upload will always take precedence and overwrite any grades uploaded from previous marksheets.
In order to To create a marksheet, the lecturer must have a Teaching Allocation record for the course before they can access . Without this record, the course will not appear in the Marksheet interface. If you do not cannot see a course that you expect to see in the Marksheet interface, please contact your HOD to adjust update your Teaching Allocations.
There are students taking the class that are supposed to Some students who are enrolled in the class should be in the course group and by extension, appear on the corresponding marksheet for that course group, but they are not appearing on the marksheet. This usually occurs when the student would have may not be showing up. This typically happens if the student registered for the course before the course groups were appropriately created for the course. The lecturer/HOD for the course properly set up. In such cases, the lecturer or HOD will need to access the Course Groups interface and manually enroll the student into in the correct course group.
There is If a student (s) is missing from the marksheet file. The student but is visible in Moodle but not showing up in the marksheet file, the issue may be due to a registration problem. The student may have had their registration returned or did not register properly register for the course in SRMS. The student will need to In this case, the student should be contacted to rectify resolve the registration issue with their registration. If the registration period for registration has elapsedpassed, the Admissions department will need to be contacted to rectify address the issue.
In SRMS Sometimes, the student would may have registered entered their name incorrectly , in SRMS (e.g. First Name in Surname field and vice versa, and this incorrect name , placing their first name in the surname field) and this incorrect information was uploaded to Moodle. Subsequent to inputting their name incorrectly If the student later requests a name change in SRMS, they request a name change to the correct name. However, this name change in SRMS does will not automatically update their name in Moodle. The lecturer is using the Moodle Gradebook format to upload their marksheet but the student does not receive a grade. Since the marksheet also need to match on the student’s name, it does not find the student to award the grade to. The solution to this issue would be to recheck As a result, the lecturer may be unable to assign a grade, as the marksheet requires the names to match. To resolve this, the lecturer should check the Moodle gradebook file and compare it with the class list report from SRMS, ensure that the names are correct. If there is some a discrepancy, the name in the Moodle gradebook should be adjusted corrected to match the name in the SRMS class list report.
Students would have Additionally, if students are registered for a course that is conducted offered in different multiple semesters for within the same academic year. When , the lecturer goes to upload, they are told that there are students registered for this might encounter an issue when trying to upload the marksheet. They may receive an error saying that students are registered for the course but not for the selected semester. When If the lecturer changes the semester for the marksheet, they are then told that may get a message saying the semester does not match with the semester one attached to the course. In these cases such as this, the Registry department will need to should be contacted on a way forwardfor further assistance.